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What Makes a Trustworthy and Great Board Member with Nancy Sheppard


Over the last twenty years, there have been major shifts and changes to the American boardroom. We are seeing more gender diversity and inclusion now more than ever, but this is just the tip of what we hope to accomplish for the women who are coming up behind us.

There are certain things needed to be a great board member. Trustworthiness and authenticity are two of the major points that will make or break you as a board member. This week’s episode 26 of How Women Inspire Podcast with Nancy Sheppard is about what makes a trustworthy and great board member!

In this episode of How Women Inspire Podcast, Julie Castro Abrams and Nancy Sheppard are sharing the importance of being able to adjust and pivot when it comes to being a board member. They also chat about things you can do on your journey to a board seat to ensure that your peers trust you.

Nancy Sheppard is passionate about helping to lead the movement to have more qualified women have a seat at the board table. She founded Women2Boards as a way to assist both corporate boards and women connect and improving gender diversity in the boardroom. She joined The Athena Alliance in 2017 as part of their leadership team to continue her mission. She advises women on the path to the boardroom, speaks on the subject nationally, and works with corporate boards that want to find talented individuals for their boardroom (who happen to be women).

Nancy has 30+years of management and governance experience in banking associations, the financial services industry, and legislative, regulatory & political environments. She was the CEO of Western Independent Bankers, the largest regional banking association in the US, for over 20 years, served on two private company boards for financial institution products, created educational programs for directors and senior executives, and worked with hundreds of bank CEOs and board members.

Some of the talking points Julie and Nancy go over in this episode include:

  • The journey that led to Nancy’s current place in business and life.

  • How seeing injustice from an early age had a direct impact on her passion for social justice.

  • Challenges that come with trying to adapt to situations that are particularly difficult.

  • How to take risks and pivot when you are ready for a change in your career.

  • Ways to utilize transferable skills from one career path to another.

We hope you are feeling a sense of hope and clarity. And that you have a roadmap now for how to be seen as an authentic and trustworthy leader. Don’t forget to take your shot!

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me! And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!



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