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Angela Hurlock

Claretian Associates

United States

As Chief Executive Officer of Claretian Associates, Angela Hurlock is dedicated to building a sense of family among those who reside within the organization’s four housing developments in the South Chicago neighborhood. Claretian Associates is a community development corporation that has dedicated almost 30 years to providing affordable, safe and environmentally efficient housing to the residents of South Chicago.
Prior to assuming the position of CEO, Angela held the position of Senior Director of Real Estate Development for Bethel New Life, a nonprofit serving Chicago’s West Side. Under her tenure, the organization was able to provide families at or below 50%AMI with affordable transit-oriented housing opportunities and employment resources while reviving the community area through economic development.
Subsequently, Angela began leading the work of Claretian Associates which is centered on working with local schools, churches, and other organizations to build up services and resources for low-income and homeless families in South Chicago. Angela’s expertise has significantly enhanced the quality of life for South Chicago residents. Her accomplishments have also garnered considerable recognition.
Over the course of her career, Angela has also been asked to speak on numerous occasions about her work, including at the Aspen Institute, Leadership Seminar on Racial Equity & Society- Roundtable on Community Change and at the 2018 Global Diplomacy Lab (BMW Foundation) convening in Berlin Germany.

Angela Hurlock


What is your story?

What drives your work?

As the great grand-daughter of share croppers from the south, who migrated to Chicago in hopes of "a better life", I have benefitted from this leap of faith and has instilled me to dream bigger than "what I see" around me to believe I can contribute to "what could be". Being the 1st in my family to graduate from college and selecting architecture as my career of choices have been two of the many non-conventional choices I've made in my life, that have often availed me to taking the road less traveled but have also provided me with a wider view of the world. This has encouraged me to help other women embrace their whys- independent of how they may be perceived by others. My personal triumphs and tragedies have instilled a determination in me to use the gifts God has ingrained in me to the fullest I can.

Describe your biggest strength as a leader

I believe one of my greatest strengths as a leader is the ability to connect with others helping them to see beyond their fears to their greater ability to affect change. My emotional intelligence allows me to connect with those under me in a way that is not only genuine but helps to merge the person's goals and abilities with the mission/vision of the organization.

Describe your biggest challenge as a leader

One of my biggest challenges has been a growing sensitivity to how at times the lack of change I see for women and minorities in my line of work. After 20 years, I still find myself feeling I have to "prove" myself to be 3 times as qualified in order to receive half the respect. I own that I have been blessed with privilege that I do not want to negate nor waste the opportunity to make as much change around me as possible. At times I feel my sensitivity does not make it clear whether or not my perspectives on things are steeped in reality or expected resistance. Having support from others that have similar dynamics (look like me) might help me address some of these concerns and allow me to embrace input for what it is.

About the
and the Project.



Vision & Mission

By taking a whole person, whole community approach, Claretian Associates strives to improve the South Chicago neighborhood by initially focusing on housing security and secondarily, by tackling a wide spectrum of interconnected needs including health, income, and education, among others. Three pillars of focus that direct Claretian Associates’ work are housing, convening around critical issues and violence prevention. We address seven areas of concentration to guide our community building approach. Our programs are designed to not only provide safe, quality, affordable housing, but also to provide services to support families as they work to become more stable and enhance their quality of life.

​Carrying on a rich and collaborative tradition, Claretian Associates provides housing and vital services in South Chicago, and surrounding communities, benefitting our residents' and families safety and wellbeing.

Year Founded


No. of Employees


Years in the Organization

20 years

Annual Budget (USD)


Geographical Area Served

Southeast side of Chicago

Organizational /

Project Description

As our neighborhood has been traditionally known for its previously lucrative steel mill history, the last 40 years since the steel mills closed have witnessed disinvestment, crime and other challenges. As the recent announcement of a Quantum computing facility being built over the next 2 years, it will be critical for Claretian Associates to create an economic development plan that aligns with our housing development, safety and other quality of life strategies. In addition, over the next 5-7 years I anticipate transition within the organization and need to strengthen the organization's leadership team.

Why is this project important and timely?

What is the target population of your project? 

South Chicago and the surrounding areas, which includes approximately 3000 families.

How will you know that you have achieved that impact? What data will you use to assess your impact?

Success will include the creation of both an internal economic plan for the organization and external quality of life plan for the community with key leads at the nexus points. This plan will include measuring community improvements such as increasing housing stability, gainful employment

How do you anticipate this unique leadership education impacting you personally? What new skills are you hoping too develop & grow through this experience?

My interest in this fellowship stems from wanting to continue to grow as a leader and expand my network beyond the Chicago footprint with a bigger perspective. I specifically selected the Diaspora fellowship to be able to bond with other women leaders who may have experience both common and very different from mine.

Where would you like to see yourself professionally in the next 3 years?

Over the next 3 years, I plan to continue to grow both as a leader of Claretian Associates but also my Executive Coaching opportunities. I believe the fellowship will assist me in not only strengthening my leadership skills, but also building a stronger leadership team to guide the organization in its next stages.

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